Basics night- Apeture and its Relationship to Depth of field
Monday nights meeting was introduced by Steve who first went through and explained the basics of Apeture, how to control the various settings on the camera, and its relationship with Depth of Field. for those in the group who are new to photography or not sure about all the buttons and settings it was a very helpful intro.
Monday nights meeting was introduced by Steve who first went through and explained the basics of Apeture, how to control the various settings on the camera, and its relationship with Depth of Field. for those in the group who are new to photography or not sure about all the buttons and settings it was a very helpful intro.

After this we arranged various set ups around the room using objects which could best demonstrate how Depth of field and apeture work. we had rubber ducks, bottles, flowers in a vase, toy cars, and a model train amongst other things. the members of the group who were less experienced in their camera skills were paired up with those who were more experienced. so everyone who wasnt sure about apeture and DOF and how it all works got to have a go at setting their cameras up and taking pictures with varying results. Hopefully now these members have a better understanding of tonights subject. below are some of the pictures I took of the set ups and nights activities. It would be good if members would send me some of the photos that they have taken on this evening so I can post them here and we can all have a look at the results. I have added a few of my own although not that brilliant as I only brought my compact camera with me which doesnt demonstrate depth of field as well as an SLR.

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