Monday, 23 November 2009

A lesson in Mounting photogragraphy

Sorry I havent updated our blog in a while.

Last monday we had a night of learning how to mount our photographs
I gave a talk and demonstration on how best to present your work for display purposes
after my demo everybody who attended had the chance to have a go using the supplied materials.
all were asked to bring a print with them which they would like to see behind mount. i think that it went quiet well and I hope that everyone came away that night with a little more knowledge of this particular subject.

although i did my demo using the old fashioned cutter and ruler way,
The club has now invested in their own more hi tec mount cutting machine which should take less time and effort, anyone in the club is welcome to use this whenever they want, it will be kept at Tonys, so if you want to mount your work and have a go at this please contact Tony on 07885163665 to arrange a convenient time.

Next Week Mon 30th November will be questions and anwers night
Steve has compiled a questionaire for all members to bring with them hopefully there will be a list of all the questions on photography and photo editing for a panel of the more knowledgeable members of the group to answer, This should be an interesting night, if you have any questions that you would like answered please do come along

Finally i am going to finish off this weeks entry with some photos sent in to my from Helen Armstrong, thanks helen I will add these to the website

Monday, 28 September 2009

Thanks to Tony Mitchell, Norman Wright and gavin Mills for your contribution of photos which i will add to the website and our flickr account, here are some of their photos below .........




Wednesday, 16 September 2009

OK heres a start

Last meeting we had show and tell, we had a good turnout of people with a great selection of photographs. would it be posible for each member to send at least one of these pictures to me for this post and for show on our website Steve has sent me his and here are a few of mine. to start. come on dont be shy we need your pictures

Chained Rust By Steve

Surtees Oulton Park By Steve

Super Heros at Smallwood green By Rachel

Bee Rodbridge by Rachel


We are currently Finalising our new 2009/2010 programme, as soon as it is complete I will publish on here and also on our website.

I have also updated or website with more pictures from our members, I would greatly appreciate more pictures from you all so I can update our website more frequently with all of our wonderful work, If you have any photos that you would like published please email them to me make sure all files are clearly labeled with your name and photo title and any other details that you would like me to include. The more we keep up to date with our website the more intresting it will be, I feel that this is important and will help potential new members see what we do.
it would also be nice to maybe have a few stories on here about our photographic projects and expeditions journalistic style, have you been on holiday this summer ? or a taken a day out somewhere different or even somwehere local and taken your camera ? do you fancy writing a little bit about your experiences. if so it would be great to hear from you, just email me and I will blog it here.

Thanks to Steve and Richard for the latest pictures (Richards lily has now been added to the winners list in the March competition post)

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Trip To Sudbury Water meadows

on Monday the club visited he watermeadows in sudbury

here are some of my pictures I took whilst there I will be adding more from club members as i recieve them
Reflection By Steve Fraser

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Church outing

Here are some more photos from our members

Steve Fraser

to see any of these pictures larger have a look on our website

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Visit To St Marys Church Glemsford

Monday 11th May

Here are a few pictures I took on our visit to the church on Monday, it would be nice to have a picture or two from our members who attended this evening, I can then add them to the website, and see what different views there were of the church and its surroundings.

some photos of our members taking photos

And here are some of my views.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Programme of Events 1/5/2009 - 1/9/2009

I have just added our programme of events for the spring/summer 2009 to the website

the list can be found here

Monday, 4 May 2009

Next Meeting Details

the next meeting on Monday 11 May 09 is a field trip to St Mary's Church Glemsford - meet at the church at 7.30pm - we will have access to both inside and outside the Church as well as panoramic views of the countryside. The bell ringers will be practising so we do not have access to the tower.

Monday 27th April

A Guest Speaker Mike Fuller From Canvey Island

I was not Present at the last meeting which took place on Monday 27th April where our guest speaker mike Fuller gave a talk on Photoshop and colour calibration but i have been told it was an interesting and informative talk.
Mike has offered to produce accurate custom colour profiles calibrating individual members' monitor, printer, paper and ink used. If you would like your equipment so calibrated please dennis know by Friday 8 May so we can coordinate Mike's visit - we anticipate using the Social Club for a day, or more if there is a demand. Mike charges £200 per day for this service calibrating a maximum of 6 sets of equipment per day - the more members who sign up for this service the cheaper it will be to individuals.

Friday, 24 April 2009

Members Photos from last mondays meeting

on the subject of apeture and depth of field.
apples From Norman demonstrating the effects
of different apeture settings

photos from Helen

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Next Meeting Details

the next Club night is - Monday 27 April in the Social Club Glemsford 7.30pm - despite a very well attended meeting last evening that was delayed because of the Bank Holiday the previous week. The subject next week is
"Colour Management" when Mike Fuller will show us how to take control of our digital workflow. This promises to be a very useful and interesting presentation following Mike's previous visit to us earlier this year.

A commitee meeting is also to be held onTuesday 28th April at the social club. Top of the agenda will be this year's programme

Monday 20th April

Basics night- Apeture and its Relationship to Depth of field

Monday nights meeting was introduced by Steve who first went through and explained the basics of Apeture, how to control the various settings on the camera, and its relationship with Depth of Field. for those in the group who are new to photography or not sure about all the buttons and settings it was a very helpful intro.

After this we arranged various set ups around the room using objects which could best demonstrate how Depth of field and apeture work. we had rubber ducks, bottles, flowers in a vase, toy cars, and a model train amongst other things. the members of the group who were less experienced in their camera skills were paired up with those who were more experienced. so everyone who wasnt sure about apeture and DOF and how it all works got to have a go at setting their cameras up and taking pictures with varying results. Hopefully now these members have a better understanding of tonights subject. below are some of the pictures I took of the set ups and nights activities. It would be good if members would send me some of the photos that they have taken on this evening so I can post them here and we can all have a look at the results. I have added a few of my own although not that brilliant as I only brought my compact camera with me which doesnt demonstrate depth of field as well as an SLR.

Some Resulting photos from my camera
If you were there at this meeting please send
me some of yours !

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Photo Critique Night With Peter Hrebien

Took place last night. the members were asked to bring in three photos to put up on the board, Peter spent a couple of hours looking at everybodys photos including some of his own and going through each one individually, giving his opinion of each, whilst offering some good advice hints tips on how best to improve our pictures based on his own experiences of photography, judging and competitions, overall I think he gave us a good balanced opinion of the photography submitted

peter talking about his own work

mid way drink break at the bar