Last monday we had a night of learning how to mount our photographs
I gave a talk and demonstration on how best to present your work for display purposes
after my demo everybody who attended had the chance to have a go using the supplied materials.
all were asked to bring a print with them which they would like to see behind mount. i think that it went quiet well and I hope that everyone came away that night with a little more knowledge of this particular subject.
although i did my demo using the old fashioned cutter and ruler way,
The club has now invested in their own more hi tec mount cutting machine which should take less time and effort, anyone in the club is welcome to use this whenever they want, it will be kept at Tonys, so if you want to mount your work and have a go at this please contact Tony on 07885163665 to arrange a convenient time.

Next Week Mon 30th November will be questions and anwers night
Steve has compiled a questionaire for all members to bring with them hopefully there will be a list of all the questions on photography and photo editing for a panel of the more knowledgeable members of the group to answer, This should be an interesting night, if you have any questions that you would like answered please do come along
Finally i am going to finish off this weeks entry with some photos sent in to my from Helen Armstrong, thanks helen I will add these to the website

I gave a talk and demonstration on how best to present your work for display purposes
after my demo everybody who attended had the chance to have a go using the supplied materials.
all were asked to bring a print with them which they would like to see behind mount. i think that it went quiet well and I hope that everyone came away that night with a little more knowledge of this particular subject.
although i did my demo using the old fashioned cutter and ruler way,
The club has now invested in their own more hi tec mount cutting machine which should take less time and effort, anyone in the club is welcome to use this whenever they want, it will be kept at Tonys, so if you want to mount your work and have a go at this please contact Tony on 07885163665 to arrange a convenient time.

Next Week Mon 30th November will be questions and anwers night
Steve has compiled a questionaire for all members to bring with them hopefully there will be a list of all the questions on photography and photo editing for a panel of the more knowledgeable members of the group to answer, This should be an interesting night, if you have any questions that you would like answered please do come along
Finally i am going to finish off this weeks entry with some photos sent in to my from Helen Armstrong, thanks helen I will add these to the website