Thursday, 25 March 2010

What is this ?

Monday 22nd March

At this week’s meeting we had a “What is this” competition. Members were asked to bring along up to three pictures depicting close-ups of household objects which had been closely cropped or shot using macro for other members to try and identify.
It was a fun night with lots of interesting photos ranging from vacuum cleaner attachments to ladybird nests.
Eventually only a handful of pictures were left that could not be identified and we were given ten questions to work out what they were.
By the end of the evening only two photos could not be identified which were deemed the winners, they were a pair of nail clippers by Tony and loudspeakers by Richard.
Well done to them.
Here are a few pictures from the night. Can tell what they are?

This weeks post was written by Alan Game

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Liquid and Light

A practical night
Monday 6th Feb

sequence of water droplets by R Twitchett

we had another sucessful practical on monday many members brought in their set ups and ideas to capture droplets of water and various other liquids, and everyone brought in their cameras and equipment and had a go at photographing the various sets i think in all it was a good night with plenty of good ideas and good results, I brought my camera this time so i have some examples to post, please feel free to send your photos of this night and any other photos that you would like displayed on the website, Helen sent me some in this morning so i will also post hers now

Droplets By Helen Armstrong, using Alans Set up

Photos by Alan Game

Monday, 1 March 2010

A great site for learning all about your camera ....

Taking pictures and post processing

I just thought i would share this link as it is a brilliant source of help techniques and advice on all aspects of digital photography and well worth a look