Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Club member photos from water meadows trip

I will be adding everybodys photos in this space here as I receive them
I will also be adding the glemsford photography copyright watermark to each one if anyone wishes me to put a named watermark on their work please let me know when you send them to me Thanks

The blue Vodka bottle and Bench are Steve Frasers

These photos are From Jonh Aldous trying out his new lens yesterday

Monday 24th May

A trip to sudbury watermeadows

At Last the weather is getting nicer and we are able to go out more, this was our first outing this year and i think we all had a good time photographing all there is to see at the water meadows I will post some of mine and hope that some of our members will send me some to put here to, it would be great to see what everyone made of this lovely evening.
Here some of our members are a little wary of the cows looking rather worried about going to close

Spanish on the other hand is not at all worried, well may be its because he is a Spaniard and is use to bull fighting !!

Hey Neil you've done it now, they all want you to take their photo !!

And Heres Helen in the water Hopefully she will post me her take on this
Mick please send me some of yours

Alan send me your capture

send all files to bednuts@aol.com
Well here are some of mine again mainly
cows and swans im afraid but if you all send me some
we should have a good variety of subjects
Thanks Rachel

Monday 10th May

Annual AGM Meeting and fun club competition
On monday we held our AGM meeting and everyone took part in the clubs competiton
first the Chairmans Report 2010 :


Chairman’s Report - AGM – 10 May 2010

At our last AGM, after a very successful first year, I finished by saying “Let’s have an even better second year”. Reflecting on the last twelve months or so - I think we have done just that. This Club has always tried to cater for the needs of the members and to improve our photography by experience, predominantly by including a good mix of practical sessions, constructive critique and outside speakers in the programme. Since the last AGM we have tried to do just that and I think this has been reflected in the quality of the photography that we are all now producing. This was very evident recently at the ‘can you tell what it is’ evening. There was no particular requirement on that evening to produce quality photographs, but it was obvious that a lot of thought had gone into techniques such as composition, exposure and depth of field and the results were some pretty impressive photography and I think we should all take credit for that..

So what have we done during the past twelve months? We have had practical sessions exploring aperture, depth of field and shutter speed. We have looked at mounting, cropping, still life, photographing difficult objects such as glass and Scalextric cars and we’ve revisited water sculptures. We have held beginners nights in both photography and photoshop and have had field trips to Sudbury meadows, Lackford Lakes, Bury St Edmunds and the local church. We have purchased a professional mounting rig and have a club storage cupboard. We have a very good website, with a separate blog to showcase some of the work that we do. We have arranged for the professional calibration of computers, printers and the club projector and we have a club logo. We have insurance for the club and are now mentioned in some of the local publications. We have had speakers on subjects such as Photoshop, night sky photography, colour management and HDR. Finally we are now affiliated to the East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies. All in all quite a busy year!

So what for the next twelve months? The membership of the East Anglian Federation of Photographic Societies allows us to bring in quality speakers, some of which are already booked over the next twelve months. It also means that we are now recognised in the East Anglia area and I hope that we will soon be competing against the other clubs in competitions. We certainly have the quality of pictures to do this and to try and kick start this a little, I am looking at holding our first official club competition later this year to be judged by a qualified judge. I would also like to see us producing more in the way of larger mounted prints and we will be looking at the best ways of achieving this. The website will be extended to include a facility for club members to have their own individual pages. We are putting together a calendar with the Local History Society depicting then and now photographs of the village, to be published for Christmas this year and have been asked to contribute to a book that the Local History Society are preparing. As ever there will be both indoor and outdoor practical nights and we are hoping to get some practical demonstrations on two particular areas - flash and studio photography, amongst others.

I would like to thank the committee for all their hard work over the last twelve months. There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes with running a club like this and without their commitment we simply would not have a club. But finally I would like to thank you the members. I have said this before and I am not going to apologise for repeating myself, and that is that the quality of the photography being produced by you all makes this worthwhile. The pictures displayed tonight are testament to that. Thank you all and let’s have an even better third year!

Steve Fraser


10 May 2010

Thanks Steve A good report for an overall good year for our club

And now for the competiton

There was a good turn out with each club member displaying 3 photos the rules being :

· Maximum of 3 entries

· Pictures to have been taken since last AGM

· Two categories – Beginner and non-Beginner

· Members would be able to vote on 5 pictures awarding 1-5 points pro rata

· Members would be asked what category (Beginner and non-Beginner) they wished to enter,

I have two pictures here as nobody else has sent me anything

The Winner of the beginners was Alan Game with his water drop photo which was taken on one of our club practical nights. Congratulations to Alan who won a Manfrotto monopod

And also to steve for his brilliant swallow photo He didnt win a prize because he is the chairman and won last time

I Think first prize was won by Tony wilcox and second Bob Mitchell.


Thursday, 25 March 2010

What is this ?

Monday 22nd March

At this week’s meeting we had a “What is this” competition. Members were asked to bring along up to three pictures depicting close-ups of household objects which had been closely cropped or shot using macro for other members to try and identify.
It was a fun night with lots of interesting photos ranging from vacuum cleaner attachments to ladybird nests.
Eventually only a handful of pictures were left that could not be identified and we were given ten questions to work out what they were.
By the end of the evening only two photos could not be identified which were deemed the winners, they were a pair of nail clippers by Tony and loudspeakers by Richard.
Well done to them.
Here are a few pictures from the night. Can tell what they are?

This weeks post was written by Alan Game

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Liquid and Light

A practical night
Monday 6th Feb

sequence of water droplets by R Twitchett

we had another sucessful practical on monday many members brought in their set ups and ideas to capture droplets of water and various other liquids, and everyone brought in their cameras and equipment and had a go at photographing the various sets i think in all it was a good night with plenty of good ideas and good results, I brought my camera this time so i have some examples to post, please feel free to send your photos of this night and any other photos that you would like displayed on the website, Helen sent me some in this morning so i will also post hers now

Droplets By Helen Armstrong, using Alans Set up

Photos by Alan Game

Monday, 1 March 2010

A great site for learning all about your camera ....

Taking pictures and post processing

I just thought i would share this link as it is a brilliant source of help techniques and advice on all aspects of digital photography and well worth a look

Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Night Sky a talk by Peter Simms

At this weeks meeting we had a Peter Simms in to talk to us about his photography
he showed us a good selection of his work which included some brilliant night time pictures, which he takes using his telescopes. in all it was a very interesting and informative talk.

if any members are interested in taking a look at the night sky through petes telescopes he would be quiet happy for you to visit. his contact details are as follows :
Pete & Wendy
01787 310043
Here are some of Peters pictures found on the sky at night magazine website

And here are more examples of night sky photography from the Astronomy photographer of the year group on flickr

Glass and light

A Practical evening
Monday 8th Feb

We all brought along our cameras and equipment and also some glass objects and some lights and experimented with different set ups, i am still awaiting some photos from this night. I dont have any myself as i didnt bring along my camera, i saw that quiet a few members had taken some good pictures here, so dont be shy please post your pictures to me for display i would love to see them .

Thanks to Helen Armstrong for sending in some of her photos from this weeks practical night

Reflections by Helen Armstrong

Plasma By Helen Armstrong

Friday, 29 January 2010

Photoshop Evening 25th Jan 2010

On Monday night we had a question and answers on photoshop evening, Where steve went through a few basics on photoshop elements and answered any questions, I did have some bits prepared for this evening but i have photoshop not elements so it was a little different from what steve was doing on elements but the basics are much the same so if anyone has any further questions or would like some of the tutorials that i prepared on my laptop please feel free to ask and i can burn you a C.D of relevant tuorials or either steve or I can answer any questions I am happy to answer any emails at bednuts@aol.com and steve at studmuffler@tiscali.co.uk