We are currently Finalising our new 2009/2010 programme, as soon as it is complete I will publish on here and also on our website.
I have also updated or website with more pictures from our members, I would greatly appreciate more pictures from you all so I can update our website more frequently with all of our wonderful work, If you have any photos that you would like published please email them to me
bednuts@aol.com make sure all files are clearly labeled with your name and photo title and any other details that you would like me to include. The more we keep up to date with our website the more intresting it will be, I feel that this is important and will help potential new members see what we do.
it would also be nice to maybe have a few stories on here about our photographic projects and expeditions journalistic style, have you been on holiday this summer ? or a taken a day out somewhere different or even somwehere local and taken your camera ? do you fancy writing a little bit about your experiences. if so it would be great to hear from you, just email me and I will blog it here.
Thanks to Steve and Richard for the latest pictures (Richards lily has now been added to the winners list in the March competition post)